GTB1449VZ Core Assembly, BV43 Core Assembly and HE221W Core Assemblies
Category: New Parts Bulletins
Melett Product Bulletin 631
T04B Core Assembly, H1C Core Assembly, HY40V Nozzle Ring Assembly, HE300VG Shaft & Wheel, H1C Compressor Wheel, T04B Compressor Wheel,
HE300VG Compressor Wheel, TBP45 Bearing Housing
Melett Product Bulletin 630
B03G Core Assembly, BV43 Core Assembly, B03G Shaft & Wheel, B03G Compressor Wheel, BV43 Compressor Wheel, B03G Bearing Housing
BV43 Bearing Housing
Melett Product Bulletin 629 – July 2021
K26 turbine housings, BV38 Actuators, TF035HLR Nozzle ring assembly and TF035HL Nozzle ring assembly
Melett Product Bulletin 628 – July 2021
B01V CHRA, MGT2260S CHRA, K03 Actuator, GT15-25 Repair Kit, B01V Shaft & Wheel, MGT2260S Shaft & Wheel